Sunday, May 31, 2009
Everyone is doing a great job!! I will be taking one creation from each of you that uses SuzieQ Diva and placing it on the main blog tomorrow along with the challenge, which this week will just be to use SuzieQ in something, anything at all...
As for who will win the challenge, how do we want to do that? Because I know a lot of people just use Mr. Linky or draw names, but I was thinking about picking the one we like the best??? Maybe each week, it could be a different Design Team member's pick?? What do you think about that? Do you think that is fair or no??
Also, I have my website up now for people to purchase the DigiStamps!
We also need to start thinking about next week, because I would like to be a week ahead. Would you like to do a sketch or some other type of challenge?
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